Daily Archives: July 15, 2009

I See Unhealthy People

Lunch at Costco

Lunch at Costco

I’ve been feeling a little sorry for myself lately. As I’m reading more about eating to balance my pH and make myself healthier, I’ve been overwhelmed by the difference between this eating plan and “normal” eating. It seems so unfair. Why can’t I eat like everybody else?

 I sat at the Costco food court the other day, eyeing not only the pizza and hotdogs being devoured around me, but the profusion of processed provisions overflowing from the carts  rolling past. I felt confused. This is the way everybody eats in America. How could it be so far off the mark?
I took another look around, this time not at the food, but at my fellow shoppers, normal people like me. There’s pretty much no denying it- here in America, “normal” isn’t very pretty.
Face it, everywhere you look, you see lots of unhealthy people. I’m not just talking about people who are carrying around extra weight. That might be the most visible consequence of our sadly delusive American diet, but other symptoms spill to the surface. You can see it in people’s eyes and in their skin. You can tell by the way they carry themselves and their general disposition. We see all around us the “normal” signs of aging, but if we were nourishing our bodies as God intended, would our expectations and standards be so lax?
My conviction is renewed. If I eat like everybody else, I’m going to be like everybody else. Is that what I really want?
Now, I’m as fond of Costco pizza as the next girl, but that doesn’t mean I can’t re-educate my palette. Yes, I still have to live in this world and I’m probably not ever going to have it together enough to tote healthy raw snacks with me everywhere I go. But with tools like the Master Cleanse and the growing pool of information about pH and toxins, I can make better, if not always perfect, choices.
At this point, ‘abnormal’ is sounding downright pretty.


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