Tag Archives: Vegetable Broth

Day 2 of Mostly Greens

Rabbit Food

Rabbit Food

This is a picture of what I expect to see when I look in the mirror after the couple of days I’ve had.

I’m here to tell you that the Master Cleanse is a walk in the park compared to this eating mostly greens. For one thing, the lemonade on the Cleanse was refreshing and filling. For the last two days I’ve had fresh vegetable juice and soup, raw veggies, and my green juice from a powder (which I lovingly refer to as “swamp water”). I’ve also been burning energy cleaning out our garage, so I feel like I’m running on empty. I had hoped to make it through a week on this regime, but I need some protein. I actually broke down tonight and had some bumps on a log. My version is celery, almond butter and raisins. It’s all still alkalinizing, just not the strictly green diet that the book recommends.

I believe I’m on a long, uphill climb back to good health. Ever see a bunny climb?

One more thing I wanted to mention. I very seldom get earaches, but for some reason I woke up last night with one threatening. I was actually a little excited because I was finally able to test a natural remedy that a friend mentioned to me years ago. I got up and stumbled to the kitchen, knowing that I actually had the needed item on my counter. This might sound odd, but I peeled a clove of garlic, stuck it in my ear, and went back to bed. I wasn’t sure if it would kick the earache, but I figured I’d at least be safe from vampires, and that made the effort worthwhile.

I woke up several hours later with no earache, no sign of vampires, and my hubby on the far edge of the bed. I’m happy to report that it served its purpose, although I might want to warn my husband next time.

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Hello Veggie Broth

Soup's on!

Soup's on!

Making Veggie Broth
Making Veggie Broth

I really want to share with you how beautiful my lunch looked as I was making it. I thoroughly enjoyed chopping up the veggies for my broth, knowing that finally I was actually making something that I’d be able to eat. Well, part of it at any rate.

While the soup was cooking, my girls even commented on how good it smelled. They were right.

Since today is a ‘broth only’ day, I had to set aside all the veggies (I got to eat just a little- yum!). I put a bit of sea salt and a dash of cayenne into the broth, and had two bowlfuls. Boy, was that ever good. I get to have more tonight, and I’m looking forward to it already.

I’m trying to use this experience to focus on things other than the physical. The trouble is when I pray, my mind wanders more than usual. The good news is that I haven’t thought about nachos once today. Oops. Ok, maybe once.

One more day and I’m back to normal eating. Then it will be time to talk about pH and how it affects our diet. Brace yourselves.


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Ending the Master Cleanse- or Hello, OJ!

Oranges, Poranges

Oranges, Poranges

The picture at left is pretty much what my kitchen looked like today.

This was my day of nothing but fresh squeezed orange juice, although I did opt to do the salt water rinse one more time. I went through two big bags of organic oranges, which cost a small fortune, and boy was that juice delicious.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the day. I’m hungrier than on the lemonade days, but not as much as I’d expected. I’ve been a bit bearish this evening, but I blame it on the fact that my girls made chocolate mints after dinner. I’m entitled to a little crankiness, don’t you agree? Well, don’t you?

Two good things happened in my writing career today, although I seem to be the only one who sees them as significant. First, I got accepted to write about Natural Health in Seattle for an online news journal. I’m excited about it, and it actually pays. Ok, it probably won’t put the kids through college, but it’s another line in the water.

The second thing, speaking of ‘pay’ is that I got my first money as a writer today. It’s for one of my e-How articles and I’m very pleased. So, it’s only $.14 and I don’t actually get it till it’s up to $10, but it’s a start and that’s what matters.

Speaking of e-How, here’s the link to my article “How to End the Master Cleanse”.  

Tomorrow I get vegetable broth, and those veggies are on my counter staring at me right now. I can only imagine how that broth is going to taste. I’m focusing on that to cleanse my brain of the one image that’s been sitting in it all day: Nachos.  Yes, I put that in bold letters to emphasis its power over my psyche all day. I’m not talking your cheap 7-Eleven middle-of-the-night-process-cheese-food snack. No, my friend. I’m talking organic tortilla chips topped with home cooked pinto beans and an extra sharp antibiotic-free cheddar (made from happy cows). That’s just the base. Top that off with crispy organic shredded lettuce, tomatoes, onions, shredded carrot, and my own personal favorite, fresh jalapenos. Add a dollop of fresh sour cream and we’re ready for dinner.

I’m happier just for having written that. Sorry if I made your stomach growl.

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